Europäischer Ladungs-Verbund Internationaler Spediteure Aktiengesellschaft

Pioneering Solutions, one Step ahead
Strong Team

Strong Network

Transparency & Efficiency

Success through bundling.

Future & Market Development

Knowing what will move tomorrow.

Personal &

Strong, personal, connecting.

Communication & Network

Together into the future.

Transparency & Efficiency

Durch Bündelung zum Erfolg.

Future & Market Development

Knowing what will move tomorrow.

Personal &

Stark, persönlich, verbindend.

Communication & Network

Gemeinsam in die Zukunft.

Cooperation for medium-sized businesses

The challenges facing the trucking market are growing inexorably. Digitization, decarbonization, and a constantly changing market environment are just a few of the big issues currently confronting freight carriers and forwarders. With a broad range of services and consulting, ELVIS helps medium-sized companies to survive in this challenging environment.

With a distinctive market expertise and a lot of passion ELVIS permanently develops manifold solutions for the affiliated partner companies. The service portfolio ranges from pan-European truck transport solutions in the building materials, partial and full load segments, to comprehensive business and legal advice, to a variety of purchasing and bundling advantages. The extensive network contacts between the partners and multi-faceted information events round off the offer. Convince yourself of the advantages of a partnership with Europe’s largest truckload association – ELVIS – Knowing what moves tomorrow.

What our partners say

Through ELVIS, we have found new partners to work with, increased our visibility, and gained new insights into our industry.

Matthias Gödecke

Gödecke Eurotrans GmbH

With ELVIS, we have the opportunity to tackle issues that are not feasible for the individual partners alone.

Alexander Schuon

Alfred Schuon GmbH – Internationale Spedition + Logistik

With ELVIS, we have the opportunity to tackle issues that are not feasible for the individual partners alone.

Alexander Schuon

Alfred Schuon GmbH – Internationale Spedition + Logistik

Through ELVIS, we have found new partners to work with, increased our visibility, and gained new insights into our industry.

Matthias Gödecke

Gödecke Eurotrans GmbH

ELVIS supports

Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung. Wir haben Ihre Angaben erhalten und setzen uns zeitnah mit Ihnen in Verbindung.

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Die gewünschten Informationen stehen nun zum Download zur Verfügung!

Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung! Wir freuen, dass Sie an der diesjährigen Aktion "Spenden statt Geschenke" teilnehmen & werden Sie in Kürze kontaktieren.

Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung! Wir freuen uns, Sie auf der Veranstaltung begrüßen zu dürfen.

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Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung! Wir freuen uns, Sie auf der kommenden ELVIS Partnerversammlung 2024 in Frankfurt am Main begrüßen zu dürfen.

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Die gewünschten Informationen stehen nun zum Download zur Verfügung!

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